Seminars With Maxine M. Shapiro  

                                                        ©2011 Maxine M. Shapiro


1.   Five Element Cupping Introduction                                       4 CE hours


2.   Balance Cupping Massage: Upper Body                              7 CE hours

3.   Balance Cupping Massage: Lower Body                             7 CE hours


4.   Thailand Massage on the Table: Lateral                              6 CE hours


5.   Thailand Massage on the Table: Lateral & Supine          12 CE hours


6.   Thailand Massage on the Table: Back, Abdomen, Face    6 CE hours


7.   Thailand Massage on the MAT                                             48 CE hours


8.   Back Pain Relief with Microsystems of Foot, Hand, Ear   6 CE hours


9.   Headache Relief Using The Pathways of Qi                        6 CE hours


10. Qi Flow Body Mechanics for Massage Therapists            6 CE hours


11. Touch Energy: IET Introduction                                              4 CE hours


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Teaching Credentials of Maxine M. Shapiro By Courses




1. Five Element Cupping Introduction                                          4 CE hours


            Five Element Cupping Massage draws from the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui and Chinese massage to give Relief to the stressed body of today!  The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water translate to the movements of the cups and for balance of the fascia.


          Five Element Cupping Massage is a shortcut to free the clients of pain. We use special oil for gliding these pumping cups.  The results are lasting and clients are very happy with these unique techniques in your massage toolkit! The use of the cups saves the therapists hands from overuse. For the client, cupping releases fascial restrictions or "bubbles", smoothes muscle bundles, while promoting healing on a deeper level.  


Learning Outcomes:  

*  To list the actions of the Five Elements

*  To perform the body movements of the Five Elements

*  To perform the cupping movements of the Five Elements

*  To list  5 benefits of  the Five Element cupping                                            

*  To list 5 contraindications for Five Element cupping



2. Balance Cupping Massage: Upper Body                                7 CE hours             


Cupping is a method used in oriental medicine to relieve stagnations, promote circulation, ease muscle tightness and increase the flow of Qi throughout the body.  As massage therapists we use the cups, sliding, gliding and other techniques to relieve pain for clients and reduce the finger and hand injuries of the therapist.


* Opens fascial Restrictions of muscles of the back, neck, shoulders and arms 
* Relieves trigger points, adhesions and "fascial bubbles".
* Opens pathways of meridians.
* Relieves tightness along the splenius capitus, levator scapula and rhomboid
  attachments and trapezius muscles.
* Cupping massage can be integrated within any massage modality.
* Reduces headaches.
* Promotes healing on a deeper level.
* Saves the therapists hands from overuse.
* Increases the clients range of motion
* Increases deeper breathing.

Learning Outcomes:
* To evaluate restrictions on the upper body
* To use the cups and care for them.

* To perform the protocol for carpal tunnel syndrome.                                             

* To integrate Five Elements with cupping
* To balance the basic energy of the client with Five Elements



3. Balance Cupping Massage: Lower Body                               7 CE hours


Cupping is a method used in oriental medicine to relieve stagnations, promote circulation, ease muscle tightness and increase the flow of Qi throughout the body.  As massage therapists we use the pumping cups, sliding, gliding and other techniques to relieve pain for clients and reduce the finger and hand injuries of the therapist.


* Opens fascial Restrictions of muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs.
* Relieves trigger points, adhesions, fascial bubbles.
* Opens pathways of meridians.
* Relieves tightness along the glutes, hamstrings, soleus, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles.
* Cupping massage can be integrated within any massage modality.
* Promotes healing on a deeper level.
* Saves the therapists hands from overuse.
* Increases the clients range of motion
* Increases circulation to the lower legs

Learning Outcomes:
* To use the pumping cups and care for them

* To evaluate restrictions of the lower body including psoas issues
* To perform a protocol for sciatica relief

* To integrate Five Elements with pumping cups

* To balance the body with pumping cups        



4. Thailand Massage on the Table: Lateral                                6 CE hours


Thailand Massage is a 2500 year old healing art which addresses modern stress and pain issues.  Through rhythmic compression, gentle rocking and stretching, the therapists will learn different approaches for back, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica and other pain problems. Both the weekend warrior and the office worker can benefit from this work.  This Asian modality invites the use of acupoints, pathways, myofascial and lymphatic approaches to support the parasympathetic system and to increase flexibility.   Thailand Massage is performed with the client clothed.


 Learning Outcomes:                                                                                                        

*  How to integrate energy systems of the east with western moves

*  To identify the sen(pathways) through the muscular system

*  To engage creative body mechanics for ease of movement

*  To discover how ancient techniques enhance your myofascial techniques

*  To learn how to move qi with the muscle attachments to the spectacular scapula

*  To use effective acupoints for the back, knees and neck

*  To combine new solutions for sports massage issues such as sciatica

*  To use a protocol to ease stress and rebalance the body to facilitate positive change                           

*  To include stretches and rhythmical rocking that increase flexibility and open restrictions

*  To identify 5 Benefits and 5 Contraindications for the lateral position   



5. Thailand Massage on the Table: Lateral  & Supine           12 CE hours


Thailand Massage is a 2500 year old healing art  which addresses modern stress and pain issues.  Through rhythmic compression, gentle rocking and stretching, the therapists will learn different approaches for back, neck and shoulder pain. Both the weekend warrior and the office worker can benefit from this work.  This Asian modality uses acupoints, pathways, myofascial and lymphatic approaches to support the parasympathetic system and increase flexibility.  Thailand Massage is performed with the client clothed.  This seminar combines the 6 CE hours of the lateral position with 6 CE hours of the supine position.   


Learning Outcomes:                                                                                                         

*   How to integrate energy systems of the east with western moves

*  To identify the sen (pathways) through the muscular system

*  To engage creative body mechanics for ease of movement

*  To discover how ancient techniques enhance your myofascial techniques

*  To perform the lymphatic patterns on arms and legs that shift tissue restrictions

*  To use effective acupoints for the feet and legs

*  To combine new solutions for sports massage issues with our feet and forearms

*  To use a protocol to ease stress and rebalance the body to facilitate positive change                           

*  To identify 5 Benefits and 5 Contraindications for the lateral and the supine positions

*  To do a stretching massage with rhythmical rocking to increase flexibility and open restrictions.

*  To perform a one hour or longer session on the table



6. Thailand Massage on the Table: Back, Abdomen, Face     6 CE hours


            To complete the Thailand Massage on Table series, the Back protocol consists of acupressure, acupoints, footwork, rocking, and myofascial stretching.   The abdominal work assists weight loss and the face work integrates the whole Thailand Massage on the Table.


Learning Outcomes: 

*  To Identify 5 Benefits and 5 contraindications for this massage

*  To list and stimulate acupoints

*  To list the regions of the peripheral nervous system and do the acupressure on the back.

*  To perform the full protocol of Thailand Massage for the Back, abdomen and face.          

*  To use the appropriate body mechanics for this session

*  To list the pathways through the muscular system of the back, abdomen and face.



7. Thailand Massage on the MAT                                               48 CE hours


            THAILAND MASSAGE on the MAT is a seminar for the seasoned massage therapist who enjoys stretching, rocking, rhythmic compression and discovering the energetic pathways for balance of inner and outer spaces. This 2500 year old healing art persists throughout time with its sustaining connection to yoga. This is floor work for the therapist who wants to use a traditional modality as done in Thailand. The text is The Dancing Meditation of Thailand Traditional Massage by Maxine M. Shapiro published 1995.


Learning Outcomes:                                 

*  To Integrate the ancient healing art of Thailand Massage into your contemporary work

*  To use energetic pathways through the muscular system        

*  To perform the rhythmic mapping of Thai bodywork

*  To use acupressure to support the parasympathetic system 

*  To practice hygienic principles

*  To assess the Benefits and Contraindications for each client

*  To activate correct body mechanics of hands, feet, & arms

*  To perform assessment procedures

*  To shape space and time effectively

*  To perform awareness of breath, rhythm and intuition

*  To perform a 1.5 hour created Thai massage session on the last day of class

*  To perform with their clients a half hour to a three hour Thailand massage on the MAT



8 Back Pain Relief with Microsystems of Foot, Hand, Ear     6 CE hours


            Millions of Americans experience back pain.  This seminar is another effective form of relief to assist the client getting back into the workforce. The Asian systems of healing approach back pain with acupressure on this area. 

But the oriental modalities also include microsystems of the foot, hand and ear.

These highly accessible areas of the body offer the opportunity to include their healing aspects in a massage session for prolonged relief.  These areas of the body and their acupoints are taught to the client as "homework".


Learning Outcomes:   

*  Benefits and Contraindications  to the back and Microsystems of foot, hand and ear

*  To perform a back protocol with acupressure

*  To list the areas of the foot, hand, ear  for back pain

*  To perform the acupoints on specific areas of the foot, hand, ear for back pain

*  How to teach your clients to use specific points as homework



9.  Headache Relief Using The Pathways of Qi                         6 CE hours


       In the United States there is a pandemic occurrence of headaches in the workforce and even  with "stay at home" Moms and Dads.  The Asian approach to reduce headaches includes lifestyle, alignment and pathways for free flowing Qi or energy by eliminating stagnations. Through the use of myosfascial stretching and acupoints, we can promote headache relief.  


Learning Outcomes: 

*  To add 5 questions for your clients' intake

*  To list 5 benefits and 5 contraindications for Headache Relief

*  To list the locations of headaches and pathways

*  To perform deep breathing

*  To perform myofascial techniques to increase range of motion of the upper and lower body. 

*  To list the 9 acupoints that support the balance of the body

*  To use those 9 acupoints to support the balance of the body



10. Qi Flow Body Mechanics for Massage Therapists                        6 CE hours


Qi is the renewable energy of your body. Qi assists your massage work.  Whether you are using your fists, forearms, elbows, knees or feet, there are postural solutions to maintain that Qi flow for the massage. With Taoist practices we prepare our body.  Attention to your energy makes the massage sessions physically easier for you and sustains the Qi flow for the client as well.


Learning Outcomes: 

*  To activate Qi flow through our physical body 

*  To perform postural positions for ease of movement in massage

*  To list 5 ways of using the body efffectively

*  To perform 5 ways of using the body effectively

*  Three ways to prepare for the next client



11. Touch Energy: IET Introduction                                              4 CE hours


Integrated Energy Therapy  is a unique seminar that focuses on energy centers different from charkas to rebalance the body. As the body unwinds from responsibilities, it can find a clearer path to healing.  Stevan Thayer creator of IET calls it "going beyond Reiki".  The touch is light and the session is very profound.  It is easy for massage therapists to learn because of their familiarity with anatomy and energy systems.  Touch Energy is a non-verbal approach to healing "issues in the tissues."


Learning Outcomes:

*  To perform "grounding" of your energy and of the client

*  Three ways to increase relaxation

*  To identify anatomical location of energy & 4 integration areas 

            through the IET cellular memory map




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This page was last updated on: December 17, 2017

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