Thai Massage Seminars International

Learn Thailand Traditional Massage

With our western eyes Thai Massage includes meditation, reflexology, acupressure, lymphatic, myofascial approaches and cranial balancing. 


Come and learn how this all happens! 


Certificate Course in Thailand Traditional Massage 

48 CE Hours 


This is intensive course include the rocking, deep stretching and rhythmic compression of the supine, prone, lateral and seated positions. Therapists learn acupoints that support the work.


Therapists will be able to do treatments for 1 - 3 hours. 


This unique course includes examples from thirteen years of clinical experience. 


6 Day Certificate Courses 


9AM - 6PM 





Call for dates and places, as Maxine travels and teaches at different venues. 


Maxine has taught students from Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia,Tennessee, Colorado, Arkansas, Texas, Alaska, Bermuda and Quebec.


TEXT: The Dancing Meditation of Thailand Traditional Massage

Book is used in Thai Massage classes in California, Europe, Canada and New Zealand. 4th edition 204 p. with over 200 illustrations with connections to yoga, western anatomy, physiology, and oriental healing modalities. 

$24.95 + $6 shipping & handling. 


These classes are for those with interest/background in movement, meditation, massage, yoga, rhythm and dance. Thailand massage helps to relax, stretch, energize and support the body, mind and spirit. Specific benefits can include easing sciatica, headaches, increasing range of motion and breath, decrease limitations. 

These classes are intensive and are for the the person who can concentrate, laugh and enjoy learning bodywork. For some therapists it is a graduate program to expand their own work. 

This ancient healing art originated in India, and was preserved over the millennia in Buddhist temples. It was used as part of the meditation preparation. The original sources of Thailand Traditional Massage were lost, but the oral tradition survived, and then declined after the introduction of western medicine. Recently Thailand massage has re-emerged as a healing art form with the increased interest from Thai's and westerners. 

Here you will learn the ancient Pali meditation, chakra energy system, integrative exercises, relevant oriental meridian systems, relationships to anatomy and physiology, correct body mechanics, and the gentle rocking unique to this massage form, the northern or Chiang Mai style. 

Explanations are based on the teacher's broad background, as a national (USA) certified acupuncturist and massage therapist, and international certified Thai therapist instructor. 


Note: Maxine will bring custom-designed workshops for your groups. 

For more information, contact: Maxine M. Shapiro


©1998-2017 Maxine M. Shapiro


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