Inner Balance and Outer Beauty:


Facial Rejuvenation: Good Medicine?


By Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.


I started hearing many patients' remarkable accounts of spontaneous healings during, or directly after, receiving microcurrent & color light facial rejuvenation sessions1. These healing aside effects" have been for a myriad of physical and emotional imbalances.


Before mentioning these additional benefits, here are the regular Intended effects of facial rejuvenation am:


Wrinkle reduction

Adjustment of facial muscle tone to more youthful firmness to reduce or eliminate sagging areas

Normalization of skin coloration to a more healthy hue

Reduction or elimination of acne, blemishes and age spots

Increase in collagen and elastin production to fill out and oontour the face

Facilitating a healthy, vibrant glow to the face


At lead 85 - 90% of clients are satisfied with these results from a series of ELR sessions.2 The remarkable thing has been all the additional benefits that have been reported. Hem is a pedal list of healing 'side effects" that my students and associates practicing ELR have told me about over the last year;


1) Menstrual cramps relieved


2) Menopausal discomfort alleviated


3) Weight loss (averaging 5 - 15 lbs over a series of 3 - 10 facial sessions)


4) Back and neck pain relieved


5) Depression or emotional malaise lifted. Mental clarity increases, increased feelings of inner calm and emotional centeredness


6) Digestive discomfort and constipation relieved


7) "Writer's block" to composing music removed. so that a musician Patient moved out of a period of disconnection from her music


8) Fatigue lifted. Energy levels Increase


9) Insomnia relieved


10) Hormonally-based acne permanently cleared up


How can these remarkable effects be explained? In most cases the patients/clients were only treated on their face and neck, with little or no adjunctive healing arts or body acupuncture Points stimulated.  Therefore we can confidently say that ALL organs we linked to face directly or indirectly through the meridian system


Many modern writers and researchers have written about the body's information communication systems According to accepted medical thinking, there we two primary communication pathways In the body- the nervous system (electrical communication) and the endocrine system (chemical   communication). The nervous system's pathways conned peripheral sensory receptors with the brain or lower reflex centers, which then respond by sending signals beck to peripheral effectors such me skin and muscle. The chemical pathways include endocrine glands and other tissues that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream causing rapid effects at precisely targeted sites all over the body.


Deepak Chopra and other writers how also described a third informational pathway is even more subtle and instantaneous. This is based on minute substances called neuro-peptides are apparently produced by many tissues all over the body, including the brain, heart, immune system, digestive system, and blood cells. These peptides appear to flash Into existence, instantaneously trigger a target tissue, and then disapear(3). Peptides we strongly affected by mood and emotion. It has been shown that negative thoughts con increase cortisol levels, which are associated with increased stress. They also decrease immune system output, which makes people more subject to disease. On to other hand, positive thoughts can increase production of "happy" bio-chemicals such as dopamine. endorphins and sox hormiones.4 Peptides appear to be a major link between thought, emotion, organs and the immune system - the mind-body link that acupuncture has been working with since ancient times.


Other researchers have proven that the meridian system acts like a fiber-optic system, and that light travels through the meridian pathways. One ties of researchers at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine In Novosibirsk, Missile applied various wavelengths of light to regions of the body's surface, and then observed that light emanated ham the body at other, distal areas. Upon further experimentation, they saw that this phenomenon mainly happened along the traditionally charted pathways of the acupuncture meridian system.*


Can this subtle but immensely powerful neuro-peptide system explain the whole-body healing effects of ELR facial rejuvenation listed above? Our research tow has certainly seen a significant increase in these healing effects since we added the color light component to our microcurrent facial rejuvenation protocol in 2001. Efficacy **are a to be boosted by selecting colors (wavelengths) of light specifically  matched to each individual client This suggests a resonance with specific endocrine glands, which are closely associated with the chakra System bed by Ayurvedic medicine. Each chakra has traditionally boom associated with a specific endocrine gland and a 0 color or light.


It is my view that light is the basis of all communication, information and the innate inteligence of the body.  Microcurrent appears to act as a carrier for externally applied light, helping it penetrate more deeply into the body more easily.  Our faces constantly mirror our emotions and thoughts and Oriental facial diagnosis has long been known to be able to diagnose the condition of the internal organs by reading the face The face is therefore a two-way holographic gateway to the entire body, mind and Spirit. This means that we can diagnose by observing the few and also that the entire body can be effectively treated through the face.

1. ThIs system is currently called Energy Light  Rejuvenation TM,. and has been developed by myself and a team of health care practioners thoughout the USA between 1998 and the present.

2. The 10-15% of clients who are not fully satisfied are generally those with significant unhealthy or negative lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of exercise and high-stress, negative emotional patterns.  Yet even many clients with these burdens enjoy and continue to return for ongoing rejuvination sessions. 

3 .See Chopra's book Quantum Healing for a thorough explanation of this point.  

4. Smith,Ray  Microcurrent therapies: Tmerging theories of physiological information processing. Neurorehabiliitation 173-7  2002

5. Pankratov, Sergei   Meridians Conduct Light raum and Zeit, germany 1991
